Are you ready to rediscover your true nature, connect with your vision, breakthrough limitations and embrace the fullness of your human experience?

Welcome to "The Shift," a transformative 9-week program designed as an immersive game that guides you to shift your focus from the external world to the richness within, your only place of power, fulfillment and peace.

All based on a proven framework of self-discovery and personal empowerment, including the integration of habits, setting game rules, learning about your Human Design and discovering the power of taking full responsibility for your life experience. 

Purpose, Presence & Boundless Possibilities

a 9 week 1 on 1 journey

In THE SHIFT you will:

Unveil Your True Self: Dive deep into understanding who you are beyond societal constructs and past conditioning. Rediscover your essence and inherent freedom.

Break Free from Limitations: Identify and dissolve the limiting beliefs and stories that have held you back, opening the door to endless possibilities. And let go of the baggage in your life that belongs to the past. 

Express and Experiment: Make creative and playful practices a habit. These encourage self-expression and experimentation, which are essential tools for self-discovery and growth.

Regulate and Renew: Learn to accept and integrate the full spectrum of human emotions, from joy to sorrow, recognizing the light within every moment. Master integrative practices to regulate your nervous system, creating a balanced and resilient foundation for daily life.

Live Authentically: Develop a supportive daily routine that aligns with your vision, allowing you to live with purpose, joy, and freedom.

"The Shift" is more than just a program—it's a game that transforms the journey of self-discovery into an engaging and playful adventure, all within the proven framework. By shifting your focus inward, you'll uncover insights and integrate them into your everyday life, turning each moment into an opportunity for growth and transformation.



Week 1 -2: Clarity, Vision, and Blueprint

In the first week, we set the foundation for our journey together. Through conversations and vision exercises, we will get a clear picture of where you are and how you are standing in your own way. We’ll define your intentions, set concrete goals or determine a direction. This will lay the groundwork for deep transformation and growth. We'll also explore your Human Design and Gene Keys. 


Weeks 3-5: Commitment and Play

During weeks two to four, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and dive into the heart of the program. You will commit to playing your personalized "game" for 21 days, integrating small habits and creative sessions into your daily routine. Together, we’ll explore topics such as embracing discomfort, setting boundaries, and identifying repeating patterns that no longer serve you.


Weeks 6-7: Reflection and Recalibration

Midway through our journey, we pause and reflect on the changes. During these weeks, we’ll review your game and make adjustments. We create a clean up plan to let go of unnecessarily baggage to create space — physically, emotionally and spiritually. And we realign your daily life with your evolving vision and goals.


Week 8-9: Acceptance and Integration

In the final weeks of the program, we focus on integration. You will embrace the new norm you've created for yourself and develop a plan to apply and continue practicing these insights in your daily life. We’ll create a suitable strategy for when old patterns resurface, celebrate the transformation, and accept it as the 'new normal'. We’ll also discuss your intentions for our follow-up conversation a month later.

+ Weekly Sessions: 75 min sessions 
+ Human Design: Session
Unlimited Support: Voice and text messages for continuous guidance, encouragement, and support in between our sessions.
+ Curriculum & Deep dive content
+ Follow up session: An additional one-on-one session one month after the end of the journey.
+ Access to resource Library: with curated materials such as recommended readings & journaling prompts. 
+ Session Recordings.
+ NFT Artwork* If you don't know anything about NFT's, I will guide you through it. *Optional

Sessions can be held in Dutch or English. The content and curriculum are available in both languages as well.


I understand firsthand the transformative power of having a dedicated companion and guide by your side—someone who offers unwavering support, insightful guidance, and relentless accountability, especially during the toughest moments. That's what I'm here for. I'll be right there with you, every step of the way.

Join me on this exhilarating adventure of self-discovery and alignment. There is no greater joy than recognizing your inherent freedom, embracing endless possibilities, and bringing your full attention to the present moment. Every struggle and challenge is part of this game—not obstacles to fight against, but doors to greater freedom. 

If this resonates with you and you're ready to dive deep, or if you want to explore whether this is right for you, let's connect by booking a discovery call or contacting me.


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Payment plans available. 

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In June


This enjoyable approach helped me breakthrough patterns.


I highly recommend going on this journey of self-awareness with Roeleke, through human design and the unique 'game' she has created. I've tried various methods for increasing awareness, but this enjoyable approach helped me break patterns, enhance my consciousness, and gain insights into my life's blueprint. Roeleke’s attentive and supportive guidance made me feel safe and accepted. It’s also reassuring to know that you can always reach out to her.

"Her openness & authenticity created the perfect space to show up exactly as I am"


I feel honored I got to work with Roeleke so closely. She gave me the opportunity to explore myself on the deepest levels. She whole heartedly cares about you and is passionate about being there to provide support, feedback and new perspectives on any topic. She never fails to set a perfect example of a humble, open and honest co-leader and co-creator.

"Working with her has been a transformative experience for me"


I started out feeling lost and uncertain about my path forward, but Roeleke has provided me with the tools, guidance, and support I needed to navigate through the challenges and obstacles I faced. Her compassionate and intuitive approach helped me uncover hidden truths about myself and change my limiting beliefs and habits that were holding me back.

"She has helped get back in touch with my light, joy & authenticity"


Roeleke is a bright beacon of light and her enthusiasm is contagious. She is sharp, sweet and is always aiming high for you. Working with her feels intimate and sincere what has allowed me to dive deep and to face and embrace hidden parts of myself. She has helped me countless of times to get back in touch with my own light, joy & authenticity. I loved working with her, a real team player & friend for life.

 "I felt truly seen"


Working with Roeleke was incredibly pleasant. So much knowledge, wisdom, and great communication skills. But most remarkable of all is that I felt truly seen, that is something rare. Grateful.


I felt stuck and overwhelmed, but she guided me through a journey of growth and transformation unlike anything I've ever experienced. Her unique blend of wisdom, compassion, and practical guidance helped me break free from old patterns and step into a more aligned and empowered version of myself.

"She is an absolute game-changer"

 You'll have access to the curriculum and deep dive content, designed to guide you through each step of your game and explore specific themes. 

 Deep Dive Content

 The Shift isn't about temporary transformation; it's about creating lasting change. It is all about integration and sustainability in daily life, until it becomes second nature. You'll continue your growth journey long after the program ends.

Integration and Sustainability

The program provides practical tools and techniques that you can apply in your daily life. These include meditation practices, journaling exercises, and more, all aimed at creating self-awareness and personal growth.

Practical Tools and Techniques

What else to Expect

I want this