Art Gallery

Nijmegen, schouwburg 2017
Utrecht, Watdajel 2019
Amsterdam, CoCasa 2021
Lissabon, NFC 2023
New York, The Canvas 2023
Utrecht, watdajel 2024
New York, NFT.NYC 2024

Mirrors, windows & pieces of love

Every piece of art is a mirror to reveal and expose more of who we are. When we are looking at art, it is looking back.



Meet Veda, a symbol of strength and inner wisdom. She anchors herself at the center of her being. Thought forms swirl around her, and emotions flow like tides, yet she remains in her equilibrium.

Veda embodies the essence of stillness, presence, and resilience. Having found the sacred sanctuary within herself, she knows that’s where she belongs, no matter what happens around her.

Wide awake, she stands as a pillar of stability and unwavering focus on what’s real, inviting us to join her.

Acrylic on Canvas + Golden Leafs
50cm x 60cm



We are multidimensional beings. The human being as we know ourselves to be is only a fraction of what we are. This painting is a bridge or a gateway that connects you with your multidimensionality. It is a reminder that there is so much more of you, you can connect with and feel supported by if you dare to listen quietly.

SYMBOL of our multidimensional nature.

Acrylic on Canvas 
120 x 80 cm

We are all looking and longing for something to complete us, so we can feel at home. This painting contains a lot of symbolism that are all invitations to turn around, to turn within, to discover, feel, heal and meet the one we are looking for. The one we are intended to meet and remember: Our Self. It is the one that holds the entire universe, the moon, the earth, the pyramids and the stars. The one that experiences nothing but itself in all it sees and feels.

In order to heal, remember and transcend we have to look the challenge, confusion, struggle, pain and pleasure in the eye and say, I feel you, I accept you, I embrace you. I am here for you, because you are a part of me. Knowing the one, is knowing all. Wherever we look we will see nothing but the one. The seeking for something or the ‘other’ to complete ourselves stops. We can then experience pure love with, through and for an ‘other’, because nothing is more joyful and natural than to love, learn and create with, for and through an ‘other’ a.k.a. our very own Self. The ONE.

Emanated by us, for us, through us. The beginning and the end. The source of all.

SYMBOL of Remembrance & Transcension.

Acrylic on Canvas
120 x 80 cm

When we stop putting people and ourselves into boxes and believing in limits to who we are, we see something important: we're all connected. It's like realizing that individual waves in the ocean aren't really separate – they're all part of the same big ocean. Each person is like a wave, unique but coming from the same source.

This painting shows us this truth. It reminds us that the divisions we think exist are just in our minds. In reality, we're all connected, and understanding this helps us be true to ourselves and others. It's a symbol of how we're all linked together, bringing a sense of unity and completeness.

SYMBOL of Connection, Union & Closure

Acrylic on Canvas
100 x 100 cm

EyeSis, the goddess of magic, love, healing and fertility. A protector and life giver. The divine feminine and mother that nourishes all. She encourages us to trust ourselves and be confident in our wisdom. Her gentle eye look at us, inviting us to listen to our inner voice.

The colors and details in the painting capture her nurturing spirit and strength. It reminds us to believe in ourselves and the magic within us.

SYMBOL of magic, love, healing and fertility.

Acrylic on Canvas 
120 x 80 cm

We are multidimensional beings. The human being as we know ourselves to be is only a fraction of what we are. This painting is a bridge or a gateway that connects you with your multidimensionality. It is a reminder that there is so much more of you, you can connect with and feel supported by if you dare to listen quietly.

SYMBOL... of our multidimensional nature

Acrylic on Canvas 
120 x 80 cm


We are multidimensional beings. The human being as we know ourselves to be is only a fraction of what we are. This painting is a bridge or a gateway that connects you with your multidimensionality. It is a reminder that there is so much more of you, you can connect with and feel supported by if you dare to listen quietly.

SYMBOL... of our multidimensional nature

Acrylic on Canvas
120 x 80 cm


We are multidimensional beings. The human being as we know ourselves to be is only a fraction of what we are. This painting is a bridge or a gateway that connects you with your multidimensionality. It is a reminder that there is so much more of you, you can connect with and feel supported by if you dare to listen quietly.

SYMBOL... of our multidimensional nature

Acrylic on Canvas
100 x 100 cm

No One Here

We are multidimensional beings. The human being as we know ourselves to be is only a fraction of what we are. This painting is a bridge or a gateway that connects you with your multidimensionality. It is a reminder that there is so much more of you, you can connect with and feel supported by if you dare to listen quietly.

SYMBOL... of our multidimensional nature

Acrylic on Canvas 
120 x 80 cm


Shapeshifter is more than just a painting; it's a gateway to transcend conventional boundaries and explore the boundless realm of imagination. With each stroke of color and form, it extends an invitation to break free from the constraints of what we perceive as possible and tangible.

As you gaze upon this painting, allow yourself to be drawn into its world of limitless possibilities. Let go of preconceived notions and expectations, and surrender to the wonder of the unknown. For within the depths of its colors and contours, lies the power to transform perception and awaken the dormant seeds of creativity within us all.

SYMBOL of boundless possibilities

Acrylic on Canvas 
90 x 90 cm

This painting represents your inner antenna, which is attuned to receiving and perceiving, and it is connected with the higher mind that conceives.

When we release the notion that we must generate everything ourselves and cease relying solely on our minds, understanding that it is not the mind's role to conceive, we naturally align with the flow of life. Our task is to clear the clutter from our minds by letting go of our preconceived notions and expectations, allowing us to be open to receiving and perceiving what the higher mind has already envisioned for us.

SYMBOL of Receiving & Perceiving

Acrylic on Canvas
90 x 90 cm

Life requires surrender, trust and faith. We can try to puzzle it all out, but the truth is that we don’t know anything for sure. However, there is something that seems to know.

It makes our heartbeat, the flowers blossom and the earth spin. An infinite intelligence that is available and takes care of everything if we dare to trust it. Something is being communicated, unable to put in words, but on a deeper level understood. Something knows…

This painting is an invitation to trust and have faith in infinite intelligence, to feel the simplicity of being, a childlike innocence, that’s still within us.

SYMBOL of Faith & Trust.

Acrylic on Canvas
90 x 90 cm


It is symbolizing a season we've never experienced before. A stormy season that has the potential to turn to gold and beauty if we have the courage to see what it is revealing... all that is hiding in the dark, without being swayed by its convincing power. Stay in the eye of the storm, calm and knowing that everything will be all right. 

Meet what is happening fiercely with acceptance, forgiveness and love. The Now season is a season of choice: fear or love. May this painting assist us in finding the calm, the strength and wisdom to know the difference between falsehood and truth... found in our own hearts. A truth that is innately already ours, for we are it.

Acrylic on Canvas 
90 x 90 cm

The Now Season

This painting has a calm, neutral, yet sharp and somewhat chaotic energy. This painting symbolizes the inherent neutrality in every situation and every moment. Nothing is what seems to be at face value and nothing has built-in meaning, apart from the meaning we give to things. We see everything from a perspective and give it meaning according to our beliefs. Every perspective is as true as it is not.

If you look at this painting, you see lines and colors, if you look a little longer you see triangles, if you look deeper than that, you will see that all triangles are part of a tetrahedron. There are infinite points of view to look at something. All are equally valid. To understand the different perspectives, we have to look deeper into the points of view, without judgment, and at the same time we have to zoom out in order to see the larger context wherein it is all happening. In the bigger picture, all points of view resolve and disappear once it is seen that it is all part of one painting, one truth. All can be perceived from infinite perspectives, with each their unique colors, flavors, shapes and forms.

SYMBOL of Diversity, Neutrality, Self-Assurance & Harmony 

Acrylic on Canvas
90 x 90 cm

4 faces 6 edges

God is in everything. In every person, in every house, In every flower, tree, animal, emotions, thoughts and experiences. Even in all mistakes, pains and in all struggles! It’s all part of creation and of the same awareness. God is awareness. To see everything as a part of God is to see all of ourselves. Creation is God’s house, in all forms, shapes and colors and beyond all shapes and colors. Within the manifested and in the un-manifested. In the objects & subjects and in light & dark. In nothingness and everything-ness.

It means freedom to be, to create, to play, To be THIS or to be That. To be something and to be nothing. To think what you want, to be who you are or to be what you want to be. There is no judgment. We are never able to change what we truly already are but we have the freedom to be what we want to be. There are many infinite chambers in God’s house, ultimately there is just one house.

SYMBOL of Creation, Self-expression, Appreciation & Celebration.

Acrylic on Canvas 
90 x 90 cm

God's Chamber

This painting has a calm, neutral, yet sharp and somewhat chaotic energy. This painting symbolizes the inherent neutrality in every situation and every moment. Nothing is what seems to be at face value and nothing has built-in meaning, apart from the meaning we give to things. We see everything from a perspective and give it meaning according to our beliefs. Every perspective is as true as it is not.

If you look at this painting, you see lines and colors, if you look a little longer you see triangles, if you look deeper than that, you will see that all triangles are part of a tetrahedron. There are infinite points of view to look at something. All are equally valid. To understand the different perspectives, we have to look deeper into the points of view, without judgment, and at the same time we have to zoom out in order to see the larger context wherein it is all happening. In the bigger picture, all points of view resolve and disappear once it is seen that it is all part of one painting, one truth. All can be perceived from infinite perspectives, with each their unique colors, flavors, shapes and forms.

SYMBOL of Diversity, Neutrality, Self-Assurance & Harmony 

Acrylic on Canvas
90 x 90 cm

4 faces 6 edges

This artwork symbolises clarity and vision with a strong foundation. Nothing and no-one is excluded, all is related, linked and connected without exceptions. It’s the message of this painting. Focused with precision on all parts, while having the whole in mind.

SYMBOL of Clarity, Vision & Community

Acrylic on Canvas 
90 x 90 cm


CREATED ON THE Ipad + ProCreate


Illusions Collection


Home Dao Collection